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Results for "submediums: Books - Book Excerpt, main_practice: Enthusiasm"
Transform Now Plowshares Breaking into an enriched uranium facility armed as nonviolent activists.
Second Wind Bill Thomas on enthusiastically exploring the undiscovered country of aging.
Waking the Buddha Clark Strand on how Soka Gakkai embraces a full range of life's enthusiasms.
The Happiness Project Gretchen Rubin on enthusiasm as a form of social courage in our contentious popular culture where everyone is judgmental.
Everyday Dharma Lama Willa Miller on practice, energy, discipline and perseverance to rekindle enthusiasm daily.
Spiritual Liberation Michael Bernard Beckwith on enthusiasm, the fuel of spiritual manners.
Spirited Men Brian Doyle on William Blake's enthusiasm.
The Kabbalah of Envy Rabbi Nilton Bonder on enthusiasm as the antidote to envy.
Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor Leonardo Boff on enthusiasm is having a god within.
These Are the Words Arthur Green on hitlahavut, moments of ecstasy during Jewish prayer.